Mr. Alexander B. Cummings is president and chief operating officer of the Africa Group of The Coca-Cola Company. He is responsible for the Company's operations in Africa which encompasses a total of 56 countries and territories across the continent. The Coca-Cola System in Africa refreshes 888 million consumers and employs 55 000 people in 160 bottling plants.
Born in Liberia West Africa Mr. Cummings joined The Coca-Cola Company in 1997 as region manager Nigeria. In 2000 he was named president of the Company's North & West Africa Division. He assumed his current role in March 2001.
Prior to joining the Company Mr. Cummings held several positions with The Pillsbury Company in the U.S. As vice president of Finance for Pillsbury International he had financial responsibility for a growing $1.2 billion international branded food business with operating companies in 16 countries.
Mr. Cummings is chairman of The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation and is on the Boards of the African-America Institute Africare and Clarke Atlanta University. He has served on the Advisory Board of The African Presidential Archives & Research Center The Corporate Council on Africa and The Center for Global Development's Commission on U.S. Policy toward Low-Income Poorly Performing States (LIPPS). He is also a member of the Executive Leadership Council.
Mr. Cummings holds a B.S. degree in Finance and Economics from Northern Illinois University and an MBA in Finance from Atlanta University.